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Brand new connection to White City Deep Tech Campus

Imperial College London has marked the launch of a new gateway to White City Deep Tech Campus, with the opening of a bridge that creates a direct connection to the wider White City Innovation District area.

Imperial President Hugh Brady and London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Council Leader Stephen Cowan performed the official ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new bridge, which is located on Wood Lane and a stone’s throw from White City underground station.

Daily use of the new bridge will begin in early November, with full completion scheduled for summer 2025.

Hammersmith and Fulham Council Leader Stephen Cowan and Imperial President Hugh Brady perform the ribbon-cutting for the new White City Bridge, supported by Dr Sarah Cary, Chief Development Officer for White City Imperial College London.

Imperial’s investment in the new bridge is part of the wider regeneration of White City catalysed by White City Innovation District – the key partnership between Imperial and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham – which has seen the area transformed into a thriving economic and cultural hotspot to compete with the most advanced economies in the world.

Commenting on the new bridge, Imperial’s President Professor Hugh Brady said: “This is another important milestone for our White City Deep Tech Campus and one that will further strengthen our connection with the White City area. With the White City Innovation District, our partnership with London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, and our work at The Invention Rooms, Imperial is already deeply engaged with our local community of businesses and residents. With this new connection, I hope that we will find new ways to collaborate, create and inspire each other.”

Stephen Cowan, Leader of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, added: “This new bridge acts as a gateway for our pioneering industrial strategy, which brings Hammersmith and Fulham, Imperial College London, entrepreneurs and local people together in the heart of our world-class White City Innovation District to deliver the jobs and skills of the future.”

Top: Key members of the project team that delivered the new bridge – a technically complex project.
Above: The new bridge that now connects White City Deep Tech Campus to the wider White City Innovation District.


This first phase of the bridge opening is the new permanent access route for vehicles and cyclists, which be also used initially by pedestrians. Work is now beginning on the construction of a wide landscaped bridge section adjacent to the vehicle bridge, which will provide the new pedestrian access route to Imperial’s White City Deep Tech Campus. The pedestrian bridge is set to open in summer 2025.  

When complete, the two parts of the bridge will deliver an attractive, prominent arrival route to connect with the heart of the campus and its facilities as they develop and evolve over the next decade. Within the 23-acre White City Deep Tech Campus, Imperial is creating 3.8 million square feet of teaching, research and business space, a hotel plus residential uses – enhanced by brand new places to eat, drink and shop, including three acres of new public spaces.  

Interconnectedness across the local area will be further improved with the creation of the new East-West Link, located under the railway line, which will provide a direct connection to North Kensington. Imperial recently hosted a public consultation on its plans for the East-West Link and, subject to planning approval, the link could open as early as summer 2026. Imperial’s masterplan is also focused on improving pedestrian and cyclist access across the area by creating new, single-level connections from White City Living all the way to the A40 Westway.